Farrells香港 – 2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)特別上班安排公告

In support of the Hong Kong government’s recent proposals for increased social distancing measures and to test our operational readiness for possible further curbs on office working in the future, our Hong Kong office has decided to adopt flexible working from home arrangements for the next two weeks.

We will be separating the office into two groups, working alternatively either two or three days of the week in the office or at home, where in principle half the team within each project will be in the office on any given day and the other half will be working at home.

We hereby confirm that under this arrangement we will continue to deliver our full services and our office remains open during business hours (9am-6pm Monday to Friday) as normal.

For further enquiries such as the scheduling of certain staff(s), please contact our front desk: +852 2523 0183




我们特此确认Farrells香港的办公室将在正常工作时间内 (周一至周五,上午9点至下午6点) 保持开放,并尽力继续提供全面的服务。

有关员工的日程安排,请联系我们的前台查询:+852 2523 0183