Lyons Place
A sensitive yet colourful addition to the Edgware Road, Lyons Place is an innovative development in Westminster, comprising 76 apartments and townhouses, of which 46 will be affordable.
The reinstatement of the petrol station, originally on the Edgware Road in the 1930s, enhances the scheme and reinvigorates the area. Referencing Pop Art and the romantic period of motoring, three abstracted pumps from the 1930s are blown up to iconic proportions as playful contemporary monuments for the local area.
Located in a transitional location between Maida Vale and the more urban commercial Edgware Road streetscape, the concept developed to unify and help to define the grain of these two bounding neighbourhoods. The project started on site earlier in 2017.
“Farrells’ ability to contextualise, to give a project a story, to integrate it into the urban fabric, is something that they have done successfully for years”
– Mike Hussey, CEO of Almacantar